I really liked this story. I thought that Mayson made a lot of good points with regard to her treatment by Clark. The original storyline did not paint Clark in a very good light, as you noted. He was indecisive and inconsiderate. More than once, as you showed, he could have been honest with Mayson but he didn't and that didn't reflect well on him. I found your Mayson to be a more complex character than on the show but they really didn't take the time to develop her. Even with the way he treated her and her dislike of Superman, she was intelligent enough to know that keeping Clark's secret was the way to go. What made me like her more was when she told Clark she didn't want him to visit her anymore. It showed some fortitude on her part, considering how she'd thrown herself at him previously. That may have been because she now knew Clark was not the kind farmboy of her dreams, he was also Superman who she did not like and who acted outside the law, at least as far as she saw it. Alternate stories like this allow authors to explore a character and flesh them out and that was the most enjoyable part of your story.
Thanks for writing and sharing your story.