Hey, FoLCs!!

I know some of you have questions, so I’m going to address some potential ones here, but please throw them at me, all the questions you can think of! In no particular order… I present to you a Q&A with myself. lol

How do I know what fits into what category?

Obviously, there are some categories that will be obvious—the length ones, of course! And we’ll soon have up an official list of what counts as a “challenge response” (because those are objectively definable). But what about the rest? How do I know what’s a “Best Revelation”? Okay, okay…so that’s an easier one—is there a revelation (Lois or someone else finding out that Clark is Superman)? then, yeah, it can go in that category! Best Elseworlds or AU? Does it deviate significantly from the show before the pilot? Does it address an alternate universe? Some of these can be a little trickier, but if you think it goes there and you really loved it—nominate it! Best Waffy? Did it give you those Warm And Fuzzy Feelings—which people also now call fluff!—? Jot it down for Best Waffy!

We of the committee did our best (and took from definitions of years’ past!) to make the category definitions as clear as possible. Our best advice with this is to not stress about it or overthink it. The nomination process itself will self-sort stuff like this. smile

I’m overwhelmed! Where do I start?

Take a deep breath—it’ll be okay! Especially if this is your first Kerths, it can definitely feel overwhelming. Here are a few suggestions…

  • Go in order down the list of categories—I know my brain likes things orderly, so that’s probably how I’ll approach it. Just check things off as you go! And better still—it’s handily starting with the really short stories, so that can make it feel a bit like you’re making progress faster.
  • Take a page from Toomi’s book and print out a list of allll the stories and you can highlight and/or make notes on stories that you’ve read and know you want to nominate. Then start reading more and making notes as you go.
  • Make a list of all the stories you already know you want to nominate and for which category/ies. That way, if it’s down to crunch time and you haven’t read as much as you wanted to get read, you at least have your favorites ready to submit.

I’m new here and…I’m lost. Please help!

First off—welcome! We’re so glad you’re here and wanting to participate! FoLCs are a friendly and helpful bunch, so you can ask questions lots of places and get answers. Ask here on this thread or start a new one. Still lurking? No worries—PM a K-Com member and ask us privately. Email the K-Com here: to us here: Kcom@kerthawards.com Or join us on discord and PM or ask in a main channel.

That’s all the questions I can think of for the moment, but I’m happy to answer more! Specific or general—lemme have ‘em!

Sara and the K-Comm smile

Kerth nominations are opening on March 3!
🏆2024 Kerth Award Posts 🏆.

Join us on the #loisclark Discord server! We talk about fanfic, the show, life, and more!

You can also find me on Tumblr and AO3.

Avatar by Carrie Rene smile