I really like this series. MagiKal is a brilliant and original take on the Superman story, and you're handling it very well. I'm eager to see what comes next. Will Houdini have something to do with his uncontrolled power bursts? Is there red Kryptonite embedded under his skin somewhere? (exposed to green, vulnerable, fell on a sliver of red, small puncture wound, got away, healed with the sliver in his arm or leg) Or is Houdini the one with the red K? (That's assuming that red K is responsible for this situation.)

Houdini's a terrific dog, by the way. We had a Golden Retriever/Lab mix for twelve years and he was wonderful. Houdini reminds me of our boy Sam. And it's brilliant that you've named the dog after the most famous illusionist of the 20th century.

This string of stories is just one more good reason to be happy there's a Friday every week.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing