My goodness, this part just hit me hard! whinging whinging whinging

Poor Clark!!! So glad he has the support of his parents.

There are so many wonderful and sad and interesting details that you added here. I loved how you had him overhear the conversation with his parents, and then

Originally Posted by bakasi
It had been the first time in years that he’d felt truly good about himself. Like he had a purpose in life. Like he could do something more meaningful than wait for the next hiccup.

Oh my gosh, more whinging

This part also:

Originally Posted by bakasi
“Mom,” he said quietly, his voice hoarse.

She was in his arms, before he could protest or even voice a word of warning. Clark melted into her embrace and the tension of the past days seeped out of him. Tears slipped down his cheeks.

“I didn’t know where else to go,” he whispered.

“You chose exactly the right place,” she reassured him tenderly.

I really love this series so much, and I hope we keep getting these little glimpses (I wish we could have two Fridays every week!!!). I'm looking forward to, at some point, seeing Clark happy grovel

Thank you for sharing!!!
