Originally Posted by Anna B. the Greek
You posted!! Go, you!! I'm sure it will boost your confidence and kick your Muse into gear! Personally, I can't wait to read more!!

A miniscule, petty part of her hoped he felt as uncomfortable as he looked.

Bwahaha I love this for some reason. xD

HA!! Yes! I really loved that line!

because she’d suffocated it into nonexistence.

Great line!! I love this whole part about Lois hoping Clark is only hiding his feelings from her! And her introspection about how she'd reacted towards his confession, excellent job!

OOH I loved this line too, so thanks for pointing it out! And yeah, she’s definitely got a lot of feelings going on.

Irritation flickered through her and rose to the surface at the sight of the sheepish grin on his face that he so often paired with his trademark lame excuses. She managed to bite back the urge to gripe at him.

Aw, come on, this one was at least a reasonable one!!

Love her thoughts about jealousy!

Haha, it *is* but she’s all emotional. grin And those jealousy thoughts are inspired by Sara. lol

“What? You don’t think I’m a team player?” she huffed, mostly for show.

“Not historically, no.”


I love Clark trying to be casual and cool towards her! I mean, it's obviously frustrating for her, but it's excellent characterization!

Awww thank you!!

But right now, they were hip to hip, and she was desperately wishing that she was wearing the linen shorts so she could feel what it was like to have his bare knee brushing against hers. Stupid jeans.

Stupid jeans indeed!!

Their ride on the Ferris Wheel is so well done, with all the feelings and the conversation and the contact! The holding hands!!

Great job, Sara!! sloppy Beautiful writing and a great premise! Will be looking forward to the next part!!

Eeee!! Thank you! I really loved this Ferris wheel part, and it was so unexpected too… I was just trying to kill time before the dunk tank…the whole plan was to get them to the dunk tank… but then this wonderfulness comes out!

Sara smile

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