Originally Posted by Toomi8
These are the two fics I'm currently obsessed with working on:

Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda - Lois is given a chance to travel back several decades and change her future.

They Called Him Superman - An alternate-Lois travelled to Alt-Clark's dimension to help him find his Lois. When she returns to her own dimension she begins to search for Clark Kent. She meets a man named Keith and they try to find their dimension's Superman. About 50% written.

Ooh, both of these sound interesting!! I particularly like AUs, so I'll be eagerly waiting the second one!! smile1

Originally Posted by Queen of the Capes
Edit: OH! Nearly forgot about brain-damaged Clark. Yeah, that's going on the list for this year.

Oh yikes! What have you done to poor Clark?!? shock

Gonna be lots of good stuff to read this year, I think!
