Originally Posted by Morgana
Reading this line had tears come into my eyes. Nursing a broken heart is a long and torturous process. Sadly a process Lois knows only too well.

Yeah, she does. Thanks so much for your feedback. I'm glad you liked this story. I know some of my recent works have been hard on you. Nothing like a little fluff to round a rough year up.

Originally Posted by Songbird
liked the revelation the next morning and I’m glad Lois didn’t get mad. When she saw him without his glasses after he got out of the shower, I thought she might figure it out then but it’s good she didn’t because he needed sleep. In his state of exhaustion, it might not have gone so well.

Maybe he looked not so super in his state of exhaustion? And about Lois not getting mad - that was quite an interesting line to walk. I think that he told her after their first date scored him some points with her. And she had a lot to be sorry about so that might have helped as well.

It's never too dark to be cool. cool