Egads! This is why it's not a good idea to post at 3am when I'm half awake! blush

I'm just stepping in for a minute to add some credits that should have been posted with the story part!

quote: "I never really believed that I'd be happy, that I even deserved to be happy." He swallowed roughly. "You make it so much easier to believe."

This line sounds a bit familiar. I love that you incorporated it into your story and the rewrite is great. (For those of you wondering, Iā€™m referring to FDK for part 25.)
Thank you for reminding me, Em! blush I have a credit for you already in my author's note for the archive version, but I totally forgot to add it here when I meant to! :p

And in addition to Em getting credit for inspiring the above lines, CC Aiken gets credit for inspiring this paragraph, within which is a line that she allowed me to steal from her brilliant BRing!

Nothing had gone according to plan, and he liked it better that way. He liked that he was different from his counterpart. There was more than one way to be Clark Kent and Lois Lane together. He'd been looking for it to be written in the stars, spelled out in black and white for him, but life wasn't perfect; it shouldn't have been a surprise that love hadn't been either. He felt the warmth surge in his heart again. Yeah, this was better than perfect.
I'll be back later to respond properly to feedback, but I had to fix my crediting oversight. blush

Sara smile

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