Sorry, I'm super behind at the moment. I will get to the previous week at some point!

The beginning reporters has a microphone that says 'Lex News' if I've caught that right? Not LNN?

The way Lois struts on the stage to begin her 'interview' suggests she's aware of her sex appeal... I often think of Lois as being unsure of her own sexiness, while being incredibly confident in so many other aspects of her life. I wonder if that's from me reading too much fanfic...

I spent way too long trying to pause at the right moment to see if the double bass had strings... at first glance it didn't look like there were any!

Is it Teri singing? I think so... found a YouTube video of her on some American Idol special here.

What would have happened if Lex hadn't shown up when he did? Lois is drowning her emotions in a tub of ice cream, realizing that she's jealous of Toni with Clark. Lex shows up and stops her wallowing, distracting her. Imagine how different that would have been if Lex hadn't shown up...

Lex mentions that he managed to get all the land he needs for Lex Harbor. If we estimate the time using the episodes airing, and going by Lex's statement that he wants to break ground by the following month, that would leave November to May to build. How much do you think was built before Lex died?

Having Niles Crane flashbacks with Lex putting a hanky down to sit on.

You can't just 'blow storms' to a location... It's silly, there's so much about this show, and Superman as a whole, that's completely impossible, but some of those impossible things drive me nuts. This is one of them (same with the lightning and thunder at the same time!)

Favourite scene... I love the scene where Clark is kissing Toni and Lois is watching. If she really had no feelings at all for Clark, she wouldn't be phased at all and would be focused on getting out of there unnoticed. Again, I think this is fanfic messing with me, but Clark is portrayed as unsure in so many of the fics. He's clearly very confident with Toni!

I don't have a favourite quote and I'm quite sure I've sent a few bunnies loose in this so far...