Favorite moments?
There is a lot of deep character development going on:
The Daily Planet poker game establishes Superman’s code of conduct.
Lois’s relationship with her father is defined. Although it will be revised in later seasons.
Lex is shown as a narcissistic psychopath. And LnC did the whole Littlefinger-does-sexposition without any of the witnesses or sex and it still works to capture the audience.

PERRY: Just funnin’ with you, son.
PERRY: Fair play is Superman is all about.
PERRY: What the Sam Hill is going on here?
PERRY (advertising): Lane and Kent are the greatest writing time since Woodward and Bernstein.

LOIS: This is Clark Kent, my… the guy I’m working on stories with.
LOIS: Your partner is always there for you. Ready to share your troubles. I don’t feel like sharing.
LOIS: Have you never met anybody so wrapped up in their work they don’t have time for anyone, anything?
LOIS: I’m Dr. Frankenstein’s daughter.

CLARK: Not bad for a mild mannered reporter.

JIMMY: Lane and Kent. It’s tradition. The straight man always goes first.

Perry (to Lois): You and Kent. The experience of a battle-scarred veteran paired with the hunger of a fresh exciting talent.
Lois: I'm not so scarred and he's not so exciting.
Perry: Your tenacity, his tact. There’s chemistry there. It will make for great stories
Lois: But Perry, partnership is like marriage.
PERRY: Right. You've got to work at it.
LOIS: It takes patience, understanding, a willingness to be supportive. patience and understanding.
Perry: I know, honey. Fake it.

Clark is playing baseball with himself. He’s also floating in plain sight. It’s probably the first time he looks and acts like he’s in his mid-twenties.

The Pokergame at the Planet

Minute 2: Perry has a cellphone

Perry officially partners Lois and Clark

Lois completely blows Clark out of the water with her boxing details.

Lex states his net worth at 20 billion USD. Third richest man in the world. Superseded by Arthur Chow of Hong Kong and Elena Papas of Athens, Greece. Internet says that in the early nineties, 10-20 billion was the range of the richest persons in the world. Lex has 2 billion annual income.

Lex is throwing darts at Superman cardboard cutout

Minute 14:30: shot of Daily Planet newsroom with Lois’s and Clark’s desks.

Lois got 98 on a test. Wasn’t a regular occurrence, because she was proud of it

Lex doesn’t like having people killed. It means he wasn’t savvy enough to deal with the problem more creatively. When he does have to kill someone, he felt like he’d let himself down somehow.

First appearance of Sam Lane

Lois is not yet a good lockpick. Has seen Jimmy do it once (in the Pilot).

Lois kills the story on her father. Perry punishes her with an auto show. It’s the first time she is in his dog house.

Sam Lane in Season One: He neglected his family so he could spend time doing research and development on prosthetics next to his work as a sports orthopedic surgeon. There is no bad blood about philandering.

Lex wants an army of super soldiers fitted with prosthetics. This comes back later in Metallo and Vixen.

Lex shows how he recuperates his losses by setting up Menken to win favor with Lois.

Lois is grateful to Lex for saving her life because Superman was not fast enough to help her.

Lois and Clark are only partner on special stories.

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I go by Michael on the Archives.