Originally Posted by Blueowl
Awww, so sweet. I love the reassurance they give to each other. And I liked the mark on the post rotflol

Can't wait for tomorrow ^_^ (or Monday).

Thanks! And I loved the mark on the post, too! I wish I could say I planned it! lol

Originally Posted by Terry Leatherwood
I'm still concerned about Clark's PTSD. This is not something that goes away by itself, nor can Lois love it away. If they work together, they can keep it mostly at bay, but they cannot defeat it. He must have some professional help, and soon. Pushing this trauma into a corner and ignoring it all but guarantees that it will come back suddenly and devastatingly.

Overall, though, the love story is beautiful. They're taking their time to find each other and find their footing together. Neither one is pushing the other for anything, which is as it should be. Neither one expects more than the other is willing to give, which is essential for healing their relationship. They are open and accepting of each other, tender and gentle with each other, and most of all loving despite the pain each still has. It's about as close to perfect as two flawed humans can be with each other.

I expect to see them both visit a therapist very soon. If there's a "resolution" for Clark's leftover conflict from New Krypton that doesn't involve professional help, I'm going to feel cheated. You have been warned.

It's still a really good story. I'm just forcing a reality I've experienced into this tale. I'm much better now.

Terry, sorry to hear you’ve had your own experience with things, but I’m glad you’re better now! smile

Do bear in mind that he’s not yet been home even a month. smile The resolution you’re seeking is addressed in chapter 19, promise! (And… small “spoiler” for anyone reading this, but it appears there will be another story in this series…so don’t think that I’m aiming to wrap up his healing in a nice bow at the end coming up. He’s got a hard road, and they’re all aware. And there will be professional help!) Thanks for hanging in with me so far! I hope by the end I’m able to satisfy your desire for the aspect of realism you’re yearning for. I’m aiming for realism, so I appreciate your candor!

Thank you both for the feedback!

Sara love

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