Originally Posted by CarrieRene
I love how we get the history of New Krypton and his father and uncle. You have come up with a fantastic history of New Krypton. Great chapter and how he is still dealing with the aftermath of it all.

Thank you! It’s continually amusing and amazing to me that there’s so much NK in this story…because that was one thing I’d been SURE I didn’t want to include. Because… for one, I didn’t think I could do it, and two, it sounded BORING. But it’s been exactly the opposite, and I really leaned into it. So I’m glad you’re liking the NK parts. The Zara parts did rely heavily on the bits and pieces we got from the show (the globe and the ship), but I filled in the gaps. laugh

Originally Posted by Blueowl
The scar detail was pretty deep. As for the rest, THEY REALLY NEED TO TALK TO ONE ANOTHER, HOLY COW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cry

grumble grumble grumble

Desperate for tomorrow's part.

They do! I know! But… Clark is really struggling with having been in war and on a planet, leading a people who don’t care for feelings…who actively trained him not to feel. You have to imagine that was pretty traumatizing for him…and we don’t know yet all of what he had to do up there! :mercy:

Originally Posted by Terry Leatherwood

Clark has Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

And it's not going get better by itself.

He needs to talk to a qualified therapist and get some help. That would require, of course, that the therapist be given his full background - New Krypton, the revolution, what Clark did, what happened to him, and that he is (or was) Superman. And I'm a little surprised that neither Lois nor either of his parents has suggested it. These false steps, like the one closing this chapter, aren't going to solve Clark's root problem.

You’re exactly right, Terry! I have aimed with this story to have as much realism as possible. Bear in mind that Clark has only been home for a week. We’ll get there. It’s journey, but we’ll get there. smile

Originally Posted by Terry Leatherwood
Good story. Really. I like it. It's heartrending on multiple levels, and there's Kallie in the middle, the most innocent and most vulnerable of them all. It's guaranteed to tug on our heartstrings. Good work. Keep it up!

Thank you for such kind words! We’re 1/3 of the way through now, and I like to think it only gets better from here! …and to be clear…that’s, um, writing-wise because…there are a few more bumps for our beloved hero… peep

Thank you all for the feedback!! love

Next chapter coming up soon!

Sara smile

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