Hi Lynn!

I found another one!

Lois gazed at the bewildering wall of cheese.
And that’s where I thought that her cheese fondue had exploded against her kitchen wall.

She had asked Martha the secret to her long and happy marriage
FOOD: wave
LOIS: dizzy

I try to do something selfless for Jonathan every day to show him I love him.”
LOIS: Getting lonapped and then giving him the byline. Check.

And for her, “something big” meant voluntarily cooking something.
As opposed to involuntarily cooking something, like when her plant coffee is still too hot for her new cacti to handle.

She knew it would have to be something simple,
Grilled cheese sandwich?
LOIS: Umm…maybe make it a cheese sandwich to get started with?

It was a healthier version, one in which puréed cauliflower and nutritional yeast substituted for some of the cheese. Martha swore that you couldn’t taste either.
Jonathan: See Clark, the best recipe is to not offend your wife. And really, I can almost no longer taste the yeast in her casserole and your mother always smiles when I eat it and don’t ask for a second portion.

and she always felt better when she could get Clark to eat vegetables.
MARTHA: He may be able live off of sun and air alone, but it sets such a bad example for Lois.

but Lois had off, so today was M & C Day. (Hopefully, it wouldn’t turn out to be Doomsday, as well.)
LNN: We interrupt our coverage of the peace summit to bring you this on the recent catastrophe in one of Metropolis’s residential neighborhoods. Approximately at 11:30, what appears to be a giant cheese monster… Superman wasn’t available for a interview at this time

“Iris? Iris West? I haven’t seen you since you finished your internship at The Planet. What are you doing here?”
Did that flashy cheerleader gig not work out?

She then leaned toward Lois and whispered, “I’m undercover on a story.”
Ah, like Ralph at The Hemingway down at the corner from the Daily Planet?

Who knew that it was so important to put the lid on the blender before turning it on?
That one’s on her. Clark has surely spun her enough times for her to understand how things react to getting spun quickly.

“Honey, that smells terrific. Just like Mom makes.” “It’s her recipe.” “I can’t wait to try it.”
So…Lost in Translation?

He put a spoonful of the casserole in his mouth. CRUNCH. “It tastes just like Mom’s.”

I like crunchy foods.
He can survive on an asteroid.

so I emptied the box onto one of your cookie sheets and baked the noodles for half an hour first.

Lois hugged Clark and said, “Thank you for not giving up on my cooking. I love you.” Clark smiled to himself. He had overheard his mother’s words of wisdom and realized that he had just completed his own selfless act for the day.

The most adorable little vignette!

wave Michael

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I go by Michael on the Archives.