notworthy notworthy notworthy notworthy Excellent chapter! You had me apprehensive and sympathetic and ooh! it's just so good!

So this had me terrified...
Jor-El and Letour were the last of the original rescuers to leave. Indeed, the superhero had first ignored the order, decreeing that being invincible meant he should stick around to assist the new squads.
That's the first time I even thought there might be a possibility of Matt leaving before figuring out that Letour is his father. You had me freaked for a minute!

“Aye, ye could be right, but I'm no budgin'. Of course, if ye wanted tae leave, I wuidn'ae stop ye....” Mac held his breath, waiting for an answer.
And this just reminded me of why I love Lois and Clark's story. There love feels like the ultimate love story on so many levels that to me elements of love in a general sense seem like elements of their story. So when I read this all I could think was, "That reminds me of Clark so much!" The way for a while there he was scared to think he could ask Lois to deal with his need to help others. Sigh. I love them.

Since the people of Earth had lost their first hero, they'd been a little more appreciative of the man who had come to take his place...
GOOD! Finally! The way the public would turn against Superman in the series sometimes just pissed me off! I'm glad that in your story they've realized that he has rights and helps out of a desire to do so, not some God given obligation that means they can just take advantage of his kindness! Like the crazy general that got them in this mess to begin with! mad

“Yes. We have similar customs on Krypton....” Actually Matthew had been named after a Kryptonian, though not a family member.
confused Okay, color me confused. I clearly missed something, b/c I don't quote understand this part. At first, I thought you were referring to Matt's being adopted, but then no one's made that destinction before so what exactly do you mean?

And can I just say I loved the reunion scene! I just had to laugh a little when I thought of Matt suddenly breaking with his superhero persona to be just an excited kid reunited with his dad. Reminds me of all the times we saw Superman with Lois post-revelation (like when he flew to her house in the middle of their phone convo with the phone still in his hand b/c she was freaking out about their wedding. That was hilarious!) It must be a little bewildering for Letour, but probably strangely familiar.

So...I'm really excited! Adrienne still has to tell her story (Letour hasn't even seen the doctors yet!) And I can't wait for the Lois and Clark reunion!!! I'm even looking forward to the angst (though it looks like it's gonna be A LOT of angst - Matt's the oldest and in shock, but when Clark doesn't recognize the girls or Lois, they're gonna be so crushed! And his parents...oh, man!) Love it, love it, love it!!!