I gotta say while 'the boyfriend' is deservedly racking up points and enlarging his fan base in Metropolis; your Lois Lane in action is really something to behold! Very impressive. I suspect Perry already has envisioned the ‘Hottest Team in Town’ campaign!

BTW, one of the best aspects of your writing is the variety of meaningful secondary characters that are woven throughout the story—like Cat, Lana, and here Henderson; and even Scott, the source at the prison. You bring them to life in a way that adds something (not sure how to describe it); maybe richness and depth that was sorely lacking in the TV series. thumbsup

Now, my question remains. Just where is Luthor? peep

I suppose Lois never got a look at the underground bunker in this AU—lucky girl! Or maybe you found a more ingenious hideout for the evil villain! We gotta catch him so we can get back to the “progression of their relationship.” wink