Thanks for your kind words, BP. Looks like you were right - I dropped back in for a quick visit.

AmyPrime, thank you for thinking that I have any awesomeness in me at all. I just wrote what I wanted to read, and I'm glad you enjoyed it too.

wave Hi, Michael! Thanks so much for your comments.

btw, there’s an urban myth out there that Fifty Shades is Twilight fanfic with sex and Twilight is Superman fanfic with sex which makes Fifty Shades Superman fanfic with sex to the power of sex.

Huh. I've never heard that before. Could be, I guess.

So, is the secretary the girl from Fifty Shades?

No, she's Effie Perrin from Dashiel Hammett's "The Maltese Falcon." Effie was Sam Spade's faithful secretary and sidekick. I'm standing in for Humphrey Bogart because, you know, he's dead. And I'm much taller than he was.

Oh dear, this would work great as a end-times day fic for the Daily Planet with just Perry and Lois holding the fort after online media has first decimated print news and then also factual news until it reached the point where anything longer than 140 characters isn’t going to find an audience capable of enough reading comprehension to make sense of it.

I find it ironic (and funny) that the comment above is more than 140 characters. I'm just a little off-center, I guess.

alternate ending to a Tank fic?

Yes. He was very kind to me and received my "suggested" rewrite with a good spirit.

Well… say, did you ever do a Vatman?

Nope. Never got any urge to, either, but not because the premise is bad.

/points at the nice little ho-ho-down from two weeks ago/

Yeah, Harley just had to get one last shot in.

Terry, thanks for all your wonderful contributions to this fandom and all the fun we’ve had BR’ing! May you have the best years possible for you in your retirement!

He's not kidding about the BR stuff. We've had some deep philosophical discussions (and some rabbit-trail humor) working on some of my tales. If you can get Darth Michael to beta your story, you'll get quality responses every time.

Thanks again, y'all! /quietly slips out the back door/

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing