This is it, my final contribution to this wonderful sandbox in which I’ve been privileged to play for more years than I want to total up. And I wanted my swan song for Lois and Clark to be memorable.

There are too many unfinished stories on the boards, stories with wonderful premises and gripping plots and compelling characters – but which just come to a screeching halt halfway through the tale. And there are too many FOLCs who have just vanished into the worldwide ether without any public knowledge of how or why they’re no longer active. I didn’t want anyone to wonder what had happened to me, so please consider this my official retirement notice.

For the foreseeable future, this is it for me. My life is veering off into new and uncharted waters, largely due to my increasingly unstable health, and this wonderful and amazing fandom isn’t part of that future. I will always cherish the time I’ve spent here, the responses (both positive and negative) to the stories I’ve written, and the intelligent and perceptive people with whom I have corresponded, both publicly and privately. I’ll lurk back on occasion, but at this point I don’t anticipate becoming active again. Of course, no one can accurately foresee the future, least of all me.

I will miss this. A lot. But it’s time for me to make a change. Please understand and believe that I’m not departing because I’m angry about some imagined slight or that I’m disappointed in the people or the stories here – in fact, I firmly believe that this fandom has gathered some of the best writers in the world in one virtual place, whether anyone gets paid for putting these words in a row or not. I would put the overall quality of the stories on the archive up against those of any other fandom, irrespective of genre, and be confident that the gems in this fandom will end up shining like a laser show.

I applaud everyone’s commitment to quality storytelling and positive values, and I hope you all keep up the great work in the future. There will always be room for Lois and Clark and Superman in my heart. There just aren’t enough hours in the day for me to remain as active as I have been in the past.

Why am I leaving? In a nutshell, it’s me, it’s not you. And I really mean that.

Best wishes to everyone. Good night, and may the Lord guide and bless your steps.

# The Final End #

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing