Speaking of "happy place". I love this up close and personal look at Smallville! You have painted lovely, very realistic scenes right out of small town utopia. wave

So much fun getting to spend time in Clark's world; getting to meet his neighbors and spend more time with his students, friends and family. It's good to see Lana in such a satisfying relationship. And Martha is just so....Martha! That scene with Jenny Prichard and little Ethan was just warm and sigh worthy. notworthy

And it's obvious who just happens to be the favorite of everyone--Clark, aka "Coach"; loved more than he could ever imagine. But the Lois shaped hole in his heart is still empty...... sad

BTW, watching Clark get signed onto the internet was a real hoot! laugh

And, I can't close without saying, I did love this email from "sober" Lois! It was 100% Lois Lane holding nothing back! smile1