Ooh! Been waiting for this story to appear ever since KathyB mentioned it a few months back and so far it does not disappoint.

Lois Lane moved the last of her files into her desk drawer and switched off her computer. She swept her gaze over the desk, sure she was forgetting something but unable to put her finger on what still needed to be done. She stood and carried her coffee cup to the communal sink, washing it quickly and then carrying it back to her desk.

My, this is a different Lois. Calm, collected.... forgetful? Neat change of pace for her.

Ten years ago, she had attended the conference where she would be speaking, accepting the Pacemaker on behalf of her high school newspaper and dreaming of the day it was a Pulitzer. And in two days, she would be standing on the stage as a Pulitzer winner addressing students at the Pacemaker award ceremony, many of them with that same dream in mind. It was a little surreal.

Many changes in her life over the past ten years. A Pulitzer prize winner? My goodness, she has climbed a number of mountains and reached the summit! What next for our favorite woman reporter?

He had bought a house in downtown Smallville, just a few miles from the high school, and resurrected the Smallville Tiger Times, a weekly school newspaper that had gone defunct in the years since he and Lana had graduated. Mentoring his reporters and editors had become his passion project, and he had been astounded and elated when his team had been awarded a Pacemaker for their series of articles on rural teens balancing their education and extracurricular activities with the responsibility of helping to run family farms.

Another surprise, Clark as a High School Teacher. But I cannot help wondering, now that Pa Kent is feeling better, why did Clark stay? Hmmm more to be revealed.

I think this Lana is tolerable....


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.