I am definitely on board! You have set the stage for what looks like another wonderful adventure! And it’s a long story in a brand-new universe! My favorite kind. You packed a lot into the first part.

I can’t wait to spend more time with these two very impressive leads. Especially considering this young “Pulitzer winning journalist,” Lois Lane, is already openly acknowledging that Mr. Kent is “no hack from Nowheresville.” wink Their first meeting definitely projects a lot of promise.

But then again, just how will you deal with that objectionable “long distance” relationship!

The secondary characters are equally compelling—including Lana and her family. She might just be okay in this world. grin I hope the students play a part in the story also. I love the backstory that you very smoothly wove into the conversation about the series they did to win the Pacemaker award.

Great launch. Looking forward to more.