As a kid I learned a bit of the language, but speaking (and even then it's been a few decades), not so much writing. This could be filled with errors and I'm relying heavily on Google translate for spelling... Hold on to your consonants.

Rode hi'n bwrw glaw ac yn oer. Yr oedd y wlad yn brydferth. Wrth iddo lanio ym Llanfairpwllgwgngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch, daeth yr haul allan. Roedd llawer o ddefaid. Roede yn siarad Cymraeg ac yn dweud helo. Ffarweliodd with iddo adael.

It was raining and cold. The countryside was beautiful. When he landed in LLanfairPG, the sun came out. There were lots of sheep. He spoke Welsh and said hello. He waved goodbye as he left.

To see how LlanfairPG is pronounced, YouTube 'Hugh Jackman and Jimmy Fallon try to pronounce Taron Egerton's hometown.'

Last edited by Toomi8; 03/17/22 03:25 PM.