You actually have two IP addresses associated with your laptop: One private and one public. The private one is the one you will see if you type "ipconfig" into a command window in Windows. (I believe the Apple iOS equivalent is the same as the Linux one: ifconfig.) This is the address used within your own network, and likely starts with 192.168. The other IP address, the public one, is the one known to the rest of the world. If you Google" What is my IP address," you will see your public address. Were you researching your public or your private address?

One other possibility: You mentioned that you cleared out your cookies. Is your browser configured to allow the appropriate cookies? Are you using a "Do Not Track" feature? A quick online search revealed the following on,
This error will appear in some sites if cookies are turned off and mod_security requires cookies to match session data.
You mentioned that you tried using another browser, but if that browser had similar configurations, it would provide a similar result. Have you tried switching browsers to one that isn't quite as locked down for security?

Have you tried tethering your laptop to your cell phone? As a last resort, it would let you use a real keyboard.

I hope that there was at least one useful nugget in this post.

Good luck,