I want to thank my excellent beta reader Darth Michael, who caught errors large and small all through this tale. I also want to thank fellow beta Demi Ulithi, who was forced by real life to attend to more pressing priorities partway through. She also gave me excellent feedback, and if you liked any part of this narrative, it's a good bet one or both of them put a keyboard in to make it better.

Now that you've read the epilogue, you understand about the timely bread crumbs scattered throughout the story. Maybe they'll make sense now.

Thanks for reading! I solemnly vow that my next tale will not feature a deceased Lois at any time. Or a deceased Clark, either. In fact, no one dies in that one.

If you missed Lois' presence in this fic, please remember that it is the "sequel" to a fifteen-year old story that generated a lot of heated feedback. But it's wrapped up now and headed to the archives. Eventually, anyway.

Ta for now!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing