Thanks, Mary, you aspiring professional author you! Keep at it! I know you can do it! I want an autographed first edition of "Away With the Faeries!"

In my memory, Ralph appeared in only two episodes. The first when Clark left for New Krypton, and the second when Lois became editor in Perry's place. In the first ep he hit on Lois in a very sleazy way. In the second he tried to push a story based on rumor and innuendo and Lois killed the article. It just struck me that we - me included - use Ralph as a punching bag more than as an actual character, so I tried to come up with a reason for his actions. I appear to have found one.

Mary wrote:

I read somewhere that being on the internet is like having AS since you're only seeing the text and not getting any clues from a person's tone or body language. Dunno how true that is.

It's very true. I once sent a co-worker what I thought was a kidding email and she got angry. I apologized immediately, but I thought it sounded like the inter-office banter everyone hears. I still do. And no, there were no sexual overtones or hints in this message. She couldn't see my charming smile or laughing eyes or the chuckle in my voice, just my words in the email. No physical clues available. She misunderstood, but it really was my fault.

Like you, Lynn, I'm self-diagnosed, but the people who know me well tell me I'm right. Don't know if that's a compliment or an insult - maybe a complisult? I'm now considered a "high-functioning autistic." There are times I don't feel very high-functioning.

DC, thank you for the - I guess it's "intensity" - of your response. It seems I hit a few nerves with this little flight of fancy. I can remember times I was shut out of the social circle in elementary school and I never understood why. Now I do. Still stings a bit, though.

Bakasi, thanks for the response. Just because a person has one or two of these characteristics does NOT mean that person has AS (sorry - is a "high-functioning autistic"). And I don't advise using it as any kind of excuse for rude or thoughtless behavior. I know I can't get away with it. There are many musicians and writers with what used to be AS. I think that's part of the reason they can function as well as they do in that limited environment.

Cuidadora, thank you for your kind words. I'm glad the story "popped" the way I hoped it would.

Thank you, TaliaJoy. The DP isn't just Clark and Lois and Perry and Jimmy (and sometimes Cat). There are dozens of reporters, far too many to give them deep backstories in a one-hour weekly series. That's why we have fanfic.

Thank you, BP. I shared a small part of my story because I wanted it to ring true to other AS FoLCs. If I were to write about someone with an amputated limb, I'd have to do tons of research to figure out what challenges that person would face and how hard the recovery would be. I'd already done the research for this story - most of my life.

Thank you all so very much.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing