Originally Posted by Terry Leatherwood
Wait a minute! You can't do that! It's not canon! There was no hint in the show that Clark was anything but an only child! Ha! And you call yourself a fanfic writer!

Aspersions are cast, eh? Like, omg, no flams plz! Now I hope yall are excited for the next chapter, where Clark and Michel meet (and fall in love with) Queen Marisymphonia of Cape Krypton, the better New Kryptonian colony, who is a stunning beauty with long golden hair and eyes that change colors with her mood, and she rules her people wisely while leading a successful career as an actress, model, and spy. Stay tuned! laugh

But seriously, thanks! ^_^ This part was one of the trickier ones, which is partly why this fic had such a long hiatus. The other, bigger reason was that I needed to fix Michel's character arc, and I think I've got a better handle on it now. Anyway, I'm glad you're enjoying, and I hope the next parts don't disappoint. smile

Last edited by Queen of the Capes; 02/11/21 05:01 PM.
