Wait a minute! You can't do that! It's not canon! There was no hint in the show that Clark was anything but an only child! Ha! And you call yourself a fanfic writer!

Okay, fake rant all done and taken care of. All gone! Move along, move along, nothing to see, no absolutists here, just a fanciful writer complimenting another...

Mary, this is very good. You've been hinting at this curve in the road almost since the beginning, so it's not a surprise. But it's nice to have it confirmed.

I loved this part.

[Clark] tried to grab the globe out of his hand. "Give it here!"

Michel held it fast. "Wait, I was not intending to just open that box, if that's what you're thinking; we could just go to my lab..."

"No!" Clark snapped, still trying to pull the device from Michel's hand and only succeeding in nearly pulling Michel off the couch.

Michel yelped. "Clark, quit this!"

"Just let go!" Clark demanded. He jerked once more on the device in Michel's hand. Michel continued to pull back...

They're brothers, all right. Fight each other, make up and defend each other against all comers at the slightest provocation.

This reveal is done very well. You mixed in humor, pathos, amazement, and familial realization. And you did it all in such a short part. You certainly have a handle on this tale. Double thumbs up, lady. [Linked Image]

So when's the next post?

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing