goofy clap

This was priceless!!! I've been sick all day and really needed a good laugh. This did it!

I love this line:
I should probably go home and eat a tub of chocolate ice cream now.
And this one:
Lois let out an ear piercing scream that rivaled his earlier one, that rivaled any doomed female in any horror film ever made. Ever.

It was a couple of seconds before Clark could hear again.

"Clark, that's such an evil thought! One mad genius of this diabolical caliber we could stand a chance against, but TWO?" She clutched him tightly to her, fighting off the despair that threatened to consume her.
And yet another:
She reached up towards him and finally their lips sealed and in a warm, melty, oh-so-very-WAFFY kiss.
"warm, melty, oh-so-very-WAFFY" kisses are very, very good.


Wash: Everything looks good from here...Yes. Yes, this is a fertile land, and we will thrive. We will rule over all this land, and we will call it... "This Land." I think we should call it "your grave!" Ah, curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal! Ha ha HA! Mine is an evil laugh! Now die!