hey chris. i like the plot. don't know if it's you, your BRs, or both, but it definitely looks good to me. smile

i like dr saxon.

this lead looks like it could go to bigger things, too. i believe bribing a federal official is a major offense...

also like lois's fishing metaphor. smile

nice work. smile

also, thanks for reminding me... there's a toxic waste dump near my house that i've been meaning to look up. got a blood test coming up on thursday. we're hoping to track down the source of some of my health problems. your story reminded me to look into the site, and when i checked the EPA listings for my county, i got 68 hits. so now we have a few more things we can check for...

anyway, looking forward to part 14. smile


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.