Originally Posted by mrsMxyzptlk
I’m really not sure how to feel about this ending. The transition to the future was slightly jarring, but I can see why you did it that way. I had been wondering how you were going to sufficiently wrap everything up in one last chapter, but you managed it.

It seems fitting that Clark dies at the end. He could have pushed on and tried to have his happy future with Lois, but he would always be plagued by his past. Not that someone in his position couldn’t have a happy life, but there are a lot of obstacles that he would need to work through to get there. Storytelling-wise, his death brings the story more closure.

All told, I liked the story. It didn’t go the way I was expecting at pretty much any point, which is refreshing. It’s a really interesting thought experiment into what Lex would do if he had control over a Superman that no one else knew existed.

Yeah, I figured the transition would be a little jarring, but it was the only way I could fuse together Clark's death (since we're mostly in his POV throughout 95% of the story) with the information needed to wrap up the story. Also, the Assassin's Creed games will occasionally do that - pull you out of the reconstructed memories of an assassin who lived in the past to let you play as the modern-age person who is in the Animus and living those memories. So it was kind of an homage to that as well.

Clark had to die. I never considered a different fate for him. His past would have weighed on him too much - he never would have been free of the guilt and bloodshed. Of course, damaged as he was, I think Lois would have been amazing at helping him heal, but it only made sense for the story that he give his life trying to right the wrongs he'd help bring about.

I'm glad you enjoyed the story and that it gave you an unexpected ride throughout! Thanks so much for reading!

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon