Originally Posted by BlindPassenger
Wow! What an amazing (though very dark) tale. Clark/Kal as the Son of the Luthors is an interesting perspective. I remember a Smallville episode where an alt-Clark was raised by Lionel Luthor and became an evil rogue.
I also like the idea that both Lionel and Lillian were good philantropists and only Lex was always the bad guy... This one shows a really dark version of Lex.
I can understand how and why Clark changed the way he did under Lex' control. I loved the way you showed his change throughout the story.
It was fascinating so see also the change in Lois - from the person who would love to kill her family's murderer to the one who loves the same (though changed) man.
I also liked the way you characterized Bruce Wayne here. I'm not really a Bruce/Batman fan and I regulary don't like hi as a character, but in this one he was in interesting antagonist who becomes a protagonist later, Aan I would say that he also changes during the course of the show. (Wonder if he is or ever was Batman in this universe.)
By the way: Who is Jason? Is this your version of Dick Grayson/Robin? (like I said, don't know much about Batman)
The ending was definitely unexpected. don't saw this coming at all. But, in some way, it was inevitable for this dimension that Clark dies...
I don't know "Assasins Creed" (never heard of that) so I can't say anything about the parallels to that series, but I assume that this isn't necessary to understand the story.
Great (and fascinating) work!

Thank you so very much! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

I'll be honest - I couldn't get into Smallville (L&C totally spoiled me). But the idea of an evil Clark is fun!

I'm glad you liked the gradual changes of the characters over the course of the story. It was a lot of fun to craft and I'm so glad it was enjoyable. I thought it would be interesting to start Clark off with a very promising future - imagine all the good he could have done as a rich, super-powered person. Making Lex, and Lex alone, the reason for Clark's spiral into darkness was fun.

Bruce is definitely Batman in this universe - a few veiled comments allude to it, but he can't let Clark know because he doesn't trust him. Jason is Jason Todd - one of the Robins who was killed in the comics. It made sense to have Clark be the reason for his death in this universe, rather than randomly killing Dick Grayson.

You totally don't need to have played Assassin's Creed for the story - at least, I deliberately tried my best to make the references in the end understandable. AC is a game franchise where you play as a character who enters into the Animus and live out the life of an assassin in whatever time period the person lived in (I was in Ancient Egypt while writing the story, now I'm in Ancient Greece in the most current game, and rumor has it the next will be in Ancient Rome, for example). Abstergo is the company that created the Animus.

It was just too tempting to incorporate the references at the end for what felt like the ultimate twist to me.

Thank you for reading and I'm glad you had fun with it!

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon