“I know,” Sam acquiesced. “But I can’t do this alone. Luckily, I know a doctor…brilliant man. A bit…brash and hard to get along with. But if anyone can diagnose your friend’s illness, it’s Greg.” He nodded to Lois. “It’s okay, Princess. He’ll understand the need for discretion in this case. If we can even get him here.”

I used to be a big fan of House, but as the series dragged on, his behavior, which at times was more than cruel, really got on my nerves.

“Superman?” the man said to no one in particular, his chin jutting out slightly in a way that spoke of his curiosity about the case. His smile widened into a grin. “Interesting.” He brought his gaze back to Clark. He did not offer his hands to shake as he introduced himself. “Good news, Superman. I’m Dr. House. I’ll be the one saving your life.”

Yup, that is definitely Greg House. The man is so arrogant, he makes Lex Luthor seem downright humble in comparison. Still, no one could touch him in the arena of diagnostics. A good choice on Sam Lane's part. In a dire situation like this you only call in the very best.

No one can ever know about your differences, he heard his father’s voice whisper from the distant past, when Clark was just a gangly teenager developing super abilities by the day. Some scientist will track you down, put you in a lab, and dissect you like a frog. You have to be careful, Clark.

Oh dear, that well-meaning advise is now coming back to bother Clark, especially when dealing with a man like House.

Dr. House shook his head and cracked his knuckles in a carefree manner. “Judging by the fact that Metropolis hasn’t seen massive amounts of people dropping like flies lately, I’d say no. It probably affects only you. Which means it’s probably not something of this Earth.”

The man is a medical detective on the lines of Sherlock Holmes.

More comments to come later.


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.