Chapter 20. This was a hard chapter to write, but I did like releasing some of Lois’s anger and frustration toward Lex. I bet this chapter brought up more questions than it answered. And just to add to those questions a bit more wink, I want to admit something. The first draft of my outline had Lois successfully unlocking Clark’s memories on the trail and then working together with Clark to restore his powers and take out Lex. Why did I change it? Well, remember how I didn’t write this story in the order you’ve been reading it? I had written scenes from the end before I filled in the middle and they didn’t make sense if Lois had been successful in Columbia. As evil as it felt, I knew something was going to have to separate them again and poor Clark couldn’t remember things yet. Otherwise, the end of my story couldn’t be the way I’d already written it.

"Oh my gosh! Authors really do use particular words on purpose!" ~Me, when I started writing a book.