Originally Posted by cuidadora
Poor Lois! Wow, trying to handle conflicting memories and emotions with physical reactions to Lex and her recovered memories. It's a wonder she doesn't have a nervous breakdown. Certainly shows how strong she is to handle that fairly well while trying to keep Lex suspecting that anything is wrong. She's doing a great job for having all this thrown at her. Very powerful chapter. clap
Thanks! I was having a conversation with my husband a while back about women in leading roles in the 90s. He found some comments somewhere on the internet claiming there weren't any confused Lois was the first to pop into my mind (Captain Janeway of Star Trek: Voyager was next on my list with others...). I very much looked up to her ability to take control of situations, defend herself, and keep a level head. I know she's in quite the predicament here, but that strength of hers just had to show through!

"Oh my gosh! Authors really do use particular words on purpose!" ~Me, when I started writing a book.