"Well, he's too little to break anything yet," Clark grinned back at Lois.

"Uh-huh," Lois rolled her eyes, reaching out to take Jon from Clark's arms. "Let's just keep it that way."

When they're little, it seems they'll always be that way.

They won't.

Before you know it, Lois, little Jon will be an angsty teenager wrapped up in his own world, not wanting to be seen with you because It's So Not Cool! He'll play music you don't understand, date girls you wouldn't have thought he'd want to know, yell at you for Ruining His Life! but still put his hand out and ask for money (and rarely thank you), and generally drive you out of your ever-loving mind.

If you've raised him right, though, he won't forget it. He may not live the way you'd want him to live, but your lessons won't be forgotten. Ignored, maybe - but always remembered. And when he finally grows up, he'll realize that you weren't as old and feeble as he thought you were back in the day.

I guess you can tell that Father's Day is a bittersweet day for me. I have kids who call me on the day and wish me a happy day. I have kids who don't remember to call. And even though I know they remember what we taught them - they mention things from time to time - they don't live their lives as I would prefer. And I have a son I won't see again until I get to Heaven.

Yay for fan fiction! We can fix some of those problems for our hero couple and ease their minds a bit. Thanks for the insight into Clark's and Lois' minds, forc4evernaday.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing