Chapter 17. Probably my second or third favorite chapter. I really enjoyed working in the songs. Clark describes a song in the bar and grill as being an upbeat popular song in the style of blues. It was inspired by a band I saw ages ago that did a blues version of Britney Spears - Hit Me Baby One More Time. They were a bunch of college boys and did the thing over-dramatically. I can't find any recordings they did on youtube, but this one is pretty close.

The first Nat King Cole song you might recognize as the source of a Kerth Challenge I did. You Stepped Out of a Dream is one of my many favorite songs sung by NKC. It was so incredibly perfect as this first song here (though it wasn't the original first song...). The second NKC song, Almost Like Being in Love, is one that gets stuck in my head regularly. Its a great feel-good song. The last NKC song, L-O-V-E, is a classic! Featured in popular movies and tv shows, most people are familiar with it. My 6-year-old gets this one stuck in her head a lot.

I also really enjoyed ticking Lex off in the last scene wink. Although I may have poked the sleeping bear in doing so sad .

"Oh my gosh! Authors really do use particular words on purpose!" ~Me, when I started writing a book.