Wow. jawdrop

Bruce has the hots for Lois? No wonder he's reluctant about Lois starting a relationship with Clark.

So Bruce has some green K hidden somewhere? And Lois didn't know? That doesn't help their friendship either.

I guess they've forgotten about Clark's super-hearing. Surely Bruce would realize that Clark would hear the softest whisper now that his powers are back. Privacy just flew out the window whether Bruce realizes it or not. Or does he? Maybe he knows Clark will hear everything now, and he's using that to subtly communicate with Clark.

Wait - I'd bet Alfred knows. the man seems to know everything.

Having them hide out at Lucius' farm is a good idea, but if Lex really wants to find them, he will. He has too many resources available to him for Clark to disappear. There's a reckoning coming - they can't hide forever.

I was surprised that Lois was willing to be intimate with Clark so easily. I was not surprised by Clark's eagerness. But I wonder if this relationship is deep enough to survive the stress that's coming. And what if Bruce points out to Clark that this may not be Lois' first affair, but it is Clark's, and ask if he really loves her or if he's just experiencing a "first love" with her. Cruel way to sow doubt, but probably very effective.

Love and trust and forgiveness? Not sure they're on the same wavelength as far as that's concerned. They think they are, but they lack a shared history or any kind of commonality in their upbringings. What are their favorite colors, favorite TV shows, favorite types of music? Will the loss of Lois' family pop up in her mind at some inconvenient time?

Most of all, what about Clark's legal status? Nothing has been settled yet. We don't even know if he has a legal identity or not. He might as well be ghost at this point.

But it's not all bad. There were some pretty good smoochies in there. And Clark sliding down he banister: priceless!

Please keep this powerful story coming! I plan to absorb every syllable.