Guy squeals his tires stopping at the hospital ER entrance, then runs around the car and lifts his wife out of the passenger seat. A nurse pushes a wheelchair under her and he puts her down, then follows the nurse through the doors to the emergency room.

She's taking quick, sharp, shallow breaths, saying, "Can't - couldn't - won't - he's - I'm -"

Panicked, the guy blurts out, "Nurse, what's wrong with my wife?"

Nurse shakes her head. "Nothing's wrong. She's just having contractions."


Well, I thought it was funny.

Excellent quickie, DC. I had it figured out when that broken-up voicemail mentioned "periods" (five kids will do that for you), but Lois' reaction at the end was absolutely priceless. Forgotten punctuation, indeed. It brought back some memories of when my wife broke the news to me on those occasions. First time I was floating on cloud nine and couldn't stop smiling. Fifth time I was like, "Here we go again."

Humorous and heartwarming is difficult for me. For you, it seems to be second nature. I'd love to see more from you along this vein. Keep it up!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing