Definitely very interesting, Framework. I have to wonder what Clark did to make Lois so bitter. Clark being Clark, there is no way he could have forced her or tricked her into having sex with him. So, indeed, what did he do?

Well, one thing he apparently didn't do was tell her that he was Superman. He should have, you know. It's hardly fair putting a woman at risk of becoming pregnant without letting her know that if it happens, she'll be carrying Superman's child. As far as I can see from your story, Lois doesn't know that her son is "special". Why didn't Clark tell her? If he got too carried away "before", he should definitely have told her afterwards.

Also, it's sad to think that in this story, Superman - Clark - will indeed be dead. So will this be a story about Lois and her son, with his emerging powers?

Anyway, Framework. It's a fascinating premise, and I'm really curious about where you will be taking it.
