I have a genuine superhero on speed dial,” he said, deadpan.

“Only one?” Spencer asked, and Clark just smiled and raised one eyebrow in return. “Well, I guess… until we meet again,” he said, then gave a salute, turned, and left the room.
Okay, I'm going to be posting all the rest of my comments here. Just finished chapter 9, and the budding friendship between Clark and Spencer has me all aflutter with WAFFy feelings (the line quoted above in particular. I feel like giving you a hug for all this. sloppy the relationship you painted here between them and even the knowing, slight acknowledgements of the other relationships Clark has with superheroes was perfect. The stitching on the Batman suit was also perfect. I hope we get to see more of Spencer and Clark in the future. I'm clamoring for a sequel already and I've yet to finish this one... On to chapter 10!

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain