Ooh. I'm a sucker for time travel.

1. Jimmy keeps getting sent back in time, because he's supposed to keep Lois and Clark from having sex before their wedding night so Lois won't die. (Who knew, Jimmy interruptus was his way of saving the world!)

2. Perry time travels, but he can only go as far back as the day after Elvis dies.

3. Lois has always had the ability to travel through time. But after Clark's death, she keeps going back, trying to find the point in time where she can save him (and potentially get up to a few more sexy times with him in the past). Oooooh, and if she got pregnant, and she couldn't go back in time to before she got pregnant, so she couldn't go back any further to save him... (Anybody who likes Time Travel should watch the movie "About Time" very sweet and sad and well done, and on a similar situation.)

4. Lex Luthor only travels to this one specific point in the future, the point of his death. His whole life, throughout his childhood, he keeps being sent to the future, where from his perspective, a maniacal villain in a brightly colored suit takes a beautiful woman away from him and leaves him for dead in a pile of rubble. He doesn't know what this means, what sort of very realistic vision this is, but he knows that if he's living on borrowed time, he's going to make the most of it. He makes his empire, spends his money on the things he loves, acquires as many treasures and as much power as possible, in preparation for the upcoming moment. Then, he meets Lois. A strange feeling of deja Vu washes over him, but he's not sure... Surely she can't be the same woman from his travels, because she looks so different, but he can't deny the pull of attraction. Then, two days later, Superman comes onto the scene, his worst fears are confirmed. He works tirelessly to prevent his own death, attacking the man of steel as frequently as possible. He also pursues Lois, knowing that if he can keep her from being with the caped freak, he has a better shot of staying alive. He almost marries Lois, almost kills Superman, before it all unravels. Is he surprised that his death isn't what he thought it was? Or is his suicide Lex Luthor's way of taking some control back over his life/death? What happens when he wakes up again?

I love anything with time travel, but I *really* want to read the Lex one. If there's any takers. wink

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain