Woohoo! It's already posting day? I can't believe it! dance And what a start!

As one of the lonely souls who hasn't (yet) been pulled into the lure of Lucifer fabdom, I'm very interested to see where this goes! The mystery of it all and merging the timelines where you have adds to the intrigue. Lois and Clark after fly hard, in modern times? Awesome! I can't wait to see where Lucifer and Chloe come in to play. Wonder how true the saying "better the devil you know" goes when it comes down to Lex or the actual devil... devil

Also excited to see a piece of Mrs. Cox's backstory. The inclusion of a husband or ex husband is a fascinating addition. Can't wait to see where this leads, and who the mysterious Stephens is, and how they all end up bumping into each other.

Great start! And (did I say this already? I don't think I said this already...) Congratulations!!!! dance first post for E and another great start for NK! Can't wait to keep reading!

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain