Hi Mouse! Glad you enjoyed the story. I think part 3 is going to be riiiiiiight up your alley. It gets a bit darker than this part did, but in a different way than Embracing.

I liked the idea of having Alfred make the suit as a tip of the hat to Martha making canon Clark's. Plus, it made sense, with all the Bat-suit he makes. :P And as for Bruce, I adored writing him in this trilogy. Bats and Supes being at odds with one another is fun at all, but letting them be best friends and teasing each other mercilessly? Too much fun to pass up! Of course he'd out Clark's feelings! (Good thing too, because our boy wasn't moving too fast on his own in getting Lois to date him.)

Giving Clark such a depressing past and letting him relate it all to Lois was interesting for me. He gets to tell her one of his biggest secrets right off the bat and it lets them bond since she knows how awful it is for him to tell her, and clues her in on how much he trusts her. Now, as for the OTHER huge secret.... devil

Lots more coming up for you in Part 3! If you thought I was being evil to Clark in Embracing, you'd better buckle your seatbelt! wink

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon