Morgana, thank you for leaving feedback. You are always so good with doing so, and it really does brighten authors' days to see such posts.

Endelda, you and me both! (Well, actually, I already have glasses, but it is about time for the annual checkup...) Just make sure to avoid the supervillain entrance. wink

Millefeuilles, now there's a thought. Or, in a related plot bunny, suppose a supervillain were "outed" in a similar manner; could they sue? On what grounds? Loss of livelihood? Mental anguish? It seems to me that they would have far more of a case than, say, Calvin Dregg from WWW. And if they did sue, I wonder if MOD could call a certain superhero to the stand as a witness? Of course, the very act of subpoena-ing Superman might well strengthen the plaintiff's case.
