Always fun to see more feedback! Thanks, guys!

Supesfan, I loved this:

A simple butter knife was all that was needed to cut the sexual tension in Clark’s apartment.

That's a perfect way to describe it! I so love the waffy, romantic part of their relationship, but there's definitely something to be said for their physical attraction, too!

Now, Mike, it's like you've been sneaking around in my computer:

I like the comparisons of Clark to Lex, probably could use more of them but Lois seems to be coming to the idea that she really isn't thinking much about Lex. I suspect the residual of this date will worm its way into tomorrow's date with Lex as she will not be able to help but to begin actively comparing her two suitors.

But we know there's no comparing the two men; let's hope Lois comes to that same conclusion!

Anna, I read this and was rofl-ing:

Yes! Those arms, showing just underneath the rolled-up sleeves... so delicious...


I mean, you and me both, girl. 20 years later and I still watch for those parts in eps. Something is wrong with me <g>.

It was fun to see a similar thread running through the fdk:

Wow. Just kiss her already.

And now, Mr. Kent, just kiss her already!!

Oh man! Just kiss her!

Well, if you know any of my stories... wink He just might.

thud m'kay. That was nice. Really nice. Dare I say, hot? I think I'm feeling the heat of Clark's kitchen way over here. blush

Argh! No! Don't stop there. /me pouts. I hate waiting.

Thanks for the fdk, BJ! I love that you could feel the heat of Clark's kitchen, lol. I hope the next part keeps up that feeling!

Nope, not in a thousand years. Lex is the kind of person who thinks the only way to make things better is to throw money at it. Don't walk, run to Clark and don't look back!

So true, Morgana! I think that'll come up again in this story...

Lovely writing. Lois and Clark here are like two small birds with broken wings

Thank you so much, SJH. I love that comparison - they really are, especially here at the end of S1.

A truly lovely chapter, full of subtlety and very telling details. Please, post soon!

Thank you, Millefeuilles! I will smile

Oh my, what to say about this delicious story! All those feelings right below the surface waiting to spill out. Thought maybe there was going to be an accidental reveal when Lois was remembering the two kisses that her and Clark had already shared. Was certain that Clark was going to add " and the kiss at the airport" before he thought through who it was that was kissing Lois! Glad that you didn't go down that path though because it would have felt too soon. Can't wait for part 3 and "The Kiss" sloppy !

Thank you for that fdk, Superjan! I like your idea of an accidental revelation as Clark revealed their "other" kiss - maybe you should write that! Revelations were always hard for me to write, so I think I only ever wrote one of them, lol. I'll leave that to the fanfic pros. Hope that you enjoy part 3 and their kiss! You'll have to let me know if I hit the mark.

Thank you all for taking the time to leave feedback. It's so much fun to read your reactions! Part 3 is coming up soon.

Tracey smile