And for part 3!
She’d had to convince him that her legal practice wouldn’t suffer much if she took an occasional long lunch.
Yes, wouldn't want all those business associates of her Dad’s she's defending to end up behind bars. Maybe she's even working in Snell's company on her way up to junior partner?

Kimberly frowned at her father. “I thought you were kidding about Lois losing her job.”
Nah, Lois wasn't willing to do her boss's boss's boss and then she eventually got fired. The official records say the two events are unrelated, but it still looks fishy to me.

Louie shrugged. “Nah. Wouldn’t kid about that. Had somethin’ to do with Lex Luthor takin’ a swan dive to the street from his penthouse a few weeks ago, but they didn’t give me no details and I didn’t ask.”
He probably didn't like the last time he asked someone who needed to relocate if they had something to do with that other fella takin’ a swan dive off Hobbs Bridge.

“I won’t do that, Dad. I don’t know her partner, but I do remember Lois having a really nasty bite to some of her jokes.”
LOIS: confused I never joked.

She can be funny if she wants to be.
Like when she got herself dumped in a dumpster. That was pretty funny.

He looked up at the taller man. “What kind of stuff youse guys plannin’ to do?”
I heard jokes about Lex Luthor are all the rage these days. Then there's jokes how the Metropolis PD couldn't catch a lamp post making off with the Sunday news paper dispenser without a couple of investigative reporters helping them. Of course, this would end with one of the reporter *hanging* from the lamp post and Superman having to rescue her.

Her father’s expression reminded her of the day she’d told him she wanted to play tennis to pay for part of her college. It was somewhere between constipation and a horse stepping on his foot.
Hmm…I wonder, I think you could probably sub in 'strip' or 'hook' for 'play tennis' and get the same look laugh

Kim listened to her father speak as she watched Lois move slightly in front of Clark and cross her arms. “It ain’t just one thing, guys. It’s like you memorized a play in a foreign language. You know what to say and do, and you know when to say it and do it, but it don’t come natural to you.”
Yep, they're reporters, not actors. They should speak about what they know. Dirty politicians, dirty captains of industry, the relationship between Superman and Batman, the relationship of Superman and women, being a hack reporter in a first rate news paper with a first rate partner whose coattails you're living off. Oh, and the cross-dressing going on in rural America.

“Yeah.” She shifted uncomfortably and looked away from him. “My apartment lease is up at the end of next month
Oooooooh! Oooooooh! I know! I know!

I need to tell Mr. Tracewski if I’m going to renew it but I really can’t afford it if I’m not drawing a regular salary even though I have some savings but I don’t want to run through all of it too fast and I was wondering if I could move in here with you?”

From the kitchen entrance, he asked, “Are we talking trading the couch for the bed every night?”

She exhaled in relief. “Yes. We’d keep the same schedule we’ve been on,
She takes the bed, he takes the couch. Same as when they were at the Lexor?

“You can move in and stay as long as you want or need to. No pressure, no conditions, no expectations. Okay?”

Her smile sneaked out despite her efforts to restrain it. “Okay. Oh, I do have one condition.”

He almost frowned as if he were concerned with what she might say. “What’s that?”

“I just – I need to make sure – I have to be sure of something.”
Worried about him buying the cow if he gets the milk for free? You know, if he can have her move in with him without them sleeping together, why would he ever consider moving their relationship forward?

She looked deep into his eyes and sighed. “Please – please don’t use my hairbrush.”

“My hairbrush. You left a little gel on it day before yesterday.”
Oh, I thought that was a joke. *CLARK*! Also, wait, gel, that's Superman. *CLARK*!!!

Do you mind if I go get them tonight?”

Of course she minded. She wanted him all to herself, even if there was a bedroom door between her resting place and his.
Huh, looky there. She's *not* okay with their sleeping arrangement.

He smiled and nodded. “I promise. Are you going to take a shower tonight?”

Her yawn and her nod fought for supremacy. The yawn won. “Wow! I was, but I’ve changed my mind. I’ll take one in the morning, or whenever I wake up, whichever comes first.”
laugh So, she's going to take a shower in the morning, even if she's still asleep. Does that mean she'll need Clark to help with the shower?

She picked up a napkin to wipe Clark’s hair gel from her hand.

But her hand was dry.

Superman’s patrol was shorter than usual, but he still managed to apprehend two muggers and three armed robbers at a liquor store.
Next night at the comedy club: “Two muggers and three armed robbers hold up a liquor store...”

Brilliant. He was absolutely brilliant. Not only had he forgotten to change into his Clark clothes, there was no money in his super-suit

Superman looked through the counter to see two young men, one white and one black, each holding a pistol with one hand and holding one ankle of either the man or woman with the other.
Oops? He really *is* distracted. Maybe it would help if he consummated with Lois after all?

As he spoke with her, he considered changing outside – once the police had taken away the robbers, of course – and getting the story as Clark. He could call it in to the night editor and let someone in rewrite—
Erm…about that one…

smile1 Michael

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