Originally Posted by Deadly Chakram
OMG! That was hysterical!
Thanks! laugh

I nearly spat out my tea several times. I did choke once and coughed until I got it under control.

Oh dear. O_O *thumps you on the back*

Of course, you know, this one begs an nfic prequel. wink

Well....I may or may not return to this concept once I've made more progress on my to-do list. In the meantime, anyone else is free to take the ideas out for a spin. smile

Also, kudos for throwing in a Star Wars line. "hive of scum and villainy." LOL!

Hee! Thanks. ^_^

Originally Posted by mrsMxyzptlk
I love the exchange at the end. It puts an intriguing spin on their cannon exchange about how Lois likes to be in charge.

I confess, that line may have played a role in the conception of this fic. :3

I wonder what Perry thought about their conversation in his office and whether he picked up that they recognized each other. I imagine that if he did, he wouldn't say anything, even to Lois to spare her the embarrassment.

It really could go either way, couldn't it? wink
