Originally Posted by chickberry
Very interesting way to start out but does leave out the big question of what was Lois doing there and what would Cat say if she knew. Maybe somebody will take up the n-fic prequel and enlightened us.

If anybody wants to, go for it! smile

Originally Posted by Terry Leatherwood
I've heard enough about hentai to know where this is going.

Don't be silly. The giant squid-monster isn't until part two. wink

Keep the quirky stuff coming, Queenie! You're so very good at it.

Aw, thanks, and I'll try! smile1

Originally Posted by Lynn S. M.
Well, that was, um, different. And highly amusing.
Thanks! ^_^

I'm surprised Lois didn't claim that she, too, was at the club undercover and then (pretend to) be angry that he stole her story. I guess that she was too flustered to think of this. (And that shows how really flustered she must have been.)

Personally, I think that a categorical denial was still the better (in-universe) option for Lois, mainly because I don't think of the story in question as being a "Something Big Just Happened!" sort of piece. It's a better topic than "mating habits of the knob-tailed gecko", but still not something of Lois Lane's caliber.

Of course, since the fic doesn't say anything much about it, feel free to disregard that and imagine something much cooler. goofy

Thanks for the FDK, guys! wave
