
What a delightful ending, or is it? huh
Intriguing to think of these four combining forces in an investigation. The bad guys won't have a chance! thumbsup
Love the parallels in their lives, and Henry's suggestion to Clark.
Well done seems so woefully inadequate. A great way to end 2017 and begin 2018!! Thanks for sharing this story. clap

Hello there! Is this the end of story? Who knows!

Yes, Having a foursome like the Kents and the Morgans would be very intriguing indeed. Wonder who those bad guys could be on Mars. Heretofore unknown Luthor descendants or a stronger Intergang? I have no idea. But if 2018 is as busy as 2017 was, don't bet on it! There are a couple of other stories that have been asking to be taken off my hard drive and onto the boards they have to come first. But never say never! smile1

The similarities between Clark and Henry are amazing! The more I watched Forever the more I saw how isolated Henry was because of his secret and morbid profession. Thankfully he had his adopted son Abe as a confidante, otherwise his existence would have been a barren one. Once Jo Martinez appeared, life became decidedly different and richer.

The cloning announcement would work for so many reasons and as Henry had said, with the renewal process becoming for available to people, Clark's story would be a curious footnote in history ... hopefully.

Thanks so much for commenting!


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.