Ugh, I need more!! Love the introduction of Henry and Clark, and can't wait until Clark learns about Henry's secrets as well. I'm glad you have Henry just come out and say it too, not beat around the bush.

Young Lois is exciting! I could also see a spin off in the future of this story... Lois young and adapting to life in the 2050's or whatever... Maybe the secret comes out... maybe not. The whole rejuvenation process seems very interesting, especially the "normalizing" of it in the world. What sort of implications does this have globally? I can totally see Lois kicking butt on a story like this. Something a la "I spent the Night with Superman" or more like "I spent a year rejuvenated" or idk. huh

Sad to hear about Clark's death and brief time as a hostage. Poor Clark didn't need that childhood fear of his confirmed. I still feel like I want a little more information about that, but it adds nice color to their backstory. Can't wait for more, curious to see where you're taking this, but at the same time, I can't help but feel the last part is coming way too soon. frown

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain