Not sure if I should or shouldn't weigh in, here, since I have at least two WiPs on the board right now and a very chatty Muse. My advice is to go ahead and start writing, but don't start posting. If story B gets finished before you're done posting story A, you can always take the opportunity to give it an extra polish; throw in some foreshadowing for that scene that suddenly added itself at the last minute, put in more references to that theme that cropped up, etc. Stories, like stews, always benefit from simmering a little. The worst thing to do with it is nothing. At least jot down the idea, somewhere.

Edit: I watched the first few seasons of Flash, then kind of wandered off and never really found my way back. Are you planning a crossover?

Last edited by Queen of the Capes; 11/07/17 11:19 AM.
